13 research outputs found


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    In order to diagnose a range of cardiac conditions, it is important to conduct an accurate evaluation of either phonocardiogram (PCG) and electrocardiogram (ECG) data. Artificial intelligence and machine learning-based computer-assisted diagnostics are becoming increasingly commonplace in modern medicine, assisting clinicians in making life-or-death decisions. The requirement for an enormous amount of information for training to establish the framework for a deep learning-based technique is an empirical challenge in the field of medicine. This increases the risk of personal information being misused. As a direct result of this issue, there has been an explosion in the study of methods for creating synthetic patient data. Researchers have attempted to generate synthetic ECG or PCG readings. To balance the dataset, ECG data were first created on the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database using LS GAN and Cycle GAN. Next, using VGGNet, studies were conducted to classify arrhythmias for the synthesized ECG signals. The synthesized signals performed well and resembled the original signal and the obtained precision of 91.20%, recall of 89.52% and an F1 score of 90.35%.W celu zdiagnozowania szeregu chorób serca, istotne jest przeprowadzenie dokładnej oceny danych z fonokardiogramu (PCG) i elektrokardiogram (EKG). Sztuczna inteligencja i diagnostyka wspomagana komputerowo, oparta na uczeniu maszynowym stają się coraz bardziej powszechne we współczesnej medycynie, pomagając klinicystom w podejmowaniu krytycznych decyzji. Z kolei, Wymóg ogromnej ilości informacji do trenowania, w celu ustalenia platformy (ang. framework) techniki, opartej na głębokim uczeniu stanowi empiryczne wyzwanie w obszarze medycyny. Zwiększa to ryzyko niewłaściwego wykorzystania danych osobowych. Bezpośrednim skutkiem tego problemu był gwałtowny rozwój badań nad metodami tworzenia syntetycznych danych pacjentów. Badacze podjęli próbę wygenerowania syntetycznych odczytów diagramów EKG lub PCG. Stąd, w celu zrównoważenia zbioru danych, w pierwszej kolejności utworzono dane EKG w bazie danych arytmii MIT-BIH przy użyciu struktur sieci generatywnych LSGAN i Cycle GAN. Następnie, wykorzystując strukturę sieci VGGNet, przeprowadzono badania, mające na celu klasyfikację arytmii na potrzeby syntetyzowanych sygnałów EKG. Dla wygenerowanych sygnałów, przypominających sygnał oryginalny uzyskano dobre rezultaty. Należy podkreślić, że uzyskana dokładność wynosiła 91,20%, powtarzalność 89,52% i wynik F1 – odpowiednio 90,35%

    Investigation of SAC Channel Effects on MIMO System Capacity and Optimal Coherence Distance Estimation under Different Angular Dispersions for Next-Gen Networks

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    In practical 4G/5G MIMO systems, it is difficult to have independent fading among sub channels between different antenna pairs. There will be sub channel correlation between the transmit and receive antenna pairs. Spatial Antenna Correlation (SAC) is an important constraint in the performance of MIMO system capacity. It is observed that, if there is correlation then it effects the random distribution of eigenvalues and more correlation means it is probable that a few eigenvalues are large and rest are small. Therefore, correlation effects the loss in capacity and is bound by its eigenvalue distribution. In this chapter, the different SAC channel effects on Ergodic and outage MIMO capacities are analyzed and the correlation between signals received among antenna pairs are investigated to determine the optimal coherence distance between the spatial antennas under different angular dispersion conditions (rich and poor scattering phenomena)

    Conflicting Parameter Pair Optimization for Linear Aperiodic Antenna Array using Chebyshev Taper based Genetic Algorithm

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    In this study, the peak side lobe level (PSLL) in the radiation pattern of a linear antenna array (LAA) is lowered without affecting its first null beam width (FNBW). Antenna array synthesis is commonly applied to achieve high directivity, low side lobes, high gain and desired null positions in the output radiation pattern. But output parameters like PSLL, null positions and beam width conflict with each other, i.e. as one parameter improves, the other deteriorates. To avoid this problem, a multi-objective optimization algorithm can be implemented, in which both the conflicting parameters can be simultaneously optimized. This work proposes a multi-objective algorithm, which takes advantages of the well-known Chebyshev tapering and genetic algorithm (GA), to lower the PSLL without broadening the beam further. Array elements are fed using Chebyshev tapered excitations while GA is incorporated to optimize the elemental spacing. The results of 28-element LAA are compared with those of multi-objective Cauchy mutated cat swarm optimization (MO-CMCSO) existing in literature, which has also been proven to be superior to multi-objective cat swarm optimization (MO-CSO) and multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MO-PSO). Results indicate that the proposed algorithm performs better by further reducing the PSLL from -21.57 dB (MO-CMCSO) to -28.18 dB, while maintaining the same FNBW of 7.4 degrees

    Generative Adversarial Networks as a Data Augmentation Tool for Handwritten Digits

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    In the field of data processing, handwritten digit recognition (HDR) has proven to be of great use. However, due to the vast differences in how different people write, accurate recognition of such characters from images is a challenging job. The labelled samples necessary for supervised learning methods are not always easy to come by. For instance, a lot of labelled examples are needed to train a model in deep learning approaches, where all the feature extraction steps are learned within the artificial neural network. To get around this problem, data augmentation methods can be used to fill in the gaps using variations in an example's label that are already known. The Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) is able to generate random samples from the latent space that are statistically indistinguishable from the training set's actual examples. In this study, we leverage the powerful features of GAN to learn from the MNIST data set and produce digital images of handwriting

    A Generative Adversarial Network Based Approach for Synthesis of Deep Fake Electrocardiograms

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    Analyzing the data from an electrocardiogram (ECG) can reveal important details about a patient's heart health. A key component of modern medicine is the use of AI and ML-based computer-aided diagnosis tools to aid in making life-or-death decisions. It is common practice to use them in cardiology for the automatic early diagnosis of a variety of potentially fatal illnesses. The machine learning algorithm's need for a large amount of training data to build the learning model is an empirical challenge in the medical domain. To address this challenge, study into methods for creating synthetic patient data has blossomed. There is a higher risk of privacy invasion due to the need for massive amounts of training data for deep learning automated medical diagnostic systems that may help assess the state of the heart from this signal. To combat this issue, researchers have tried to create artificial ECG readings by analyzing only the statistical distributions of the accessible authentic training data.The primary goal of this study is to learn how generative adversarial networks can be used to create artificial ECG signals for use as training data in a classification task. In this study, we used both GAN and WGAN for generation of artificial ECG signals

    Investigation of Optimal Image Inpainting Techniques for Image Reconstruction and Image Restoration Applications

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    People in today's society take a lot of pictures with their smartphones and also make an effort to keep their old photographs safe, but with time, those photographs deteriorate. Image inpainting is the art of reconstructing damaged or missing parts of an image. Repairing scratches in photographs or film negatives, or adding or removing elements like stamped dates or "red-eye," are all possible through inpainting. In order to restore the image many techniques have been developed, significant techniques include exemplar based inpainting, coherent based inpainting and method for correction of non-uniform illumination. The four main applications of these image inpainting techniques are scratch removal, text removal, object removal and image restoration. However, all the four image inpainting applications cannot be implemented using a single technique. According to the literature, there has been relatively less work done in the field of image inpainting applications. Investigation has been carried out to find the suitability of these three techniques for the four above mentioned image inpainting applications based on two performance metrics

    GPS Signal Multipath Error Mitigation Technique

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    The performance of GPS receiver depends on the accuracy of the range measurements. The predominant errors in range measurements are due to propagation path delays, making the measured range longer than it would be, if the signal has not reflected or refracted while propagating. In this chapter, an algorithm is proposed to mitigate the multipath error on the pseudorange measured from L1 carrier frequency. The error is estimated considering the linear combination of the GPS measurements and carrier frequencies of L band, viz. L1 and L2. This algorithm exploits the random nature of the multipath error and it avoids complex calculations involving sensitive parameter like reflection coefficient of the nearby reflectors. The multipath error is mitigated for standalone GPS receiver located in Indian subcontinent. Implementation of the algorithm shows pseudorange error due to multipath varied from 7 to 52 m, where the signals of low elevation satellites are most affected. GPS receiver position is calculated by considering multipath error corrected pseudoranges of all the visible satellites. This resulted in maximum error reduction of 30 m in receiver position estimates. This mitigation technique will be useful in selecting the site for GPS receiving antenna, where reflection coefficients are difficult to measure

    Triple-Hop Hybrid FSO/mmW Based Backhaul Communication System for Wireless Networks Applications of 5G and beyond

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    Wireless networks applications of 5G and beyond require high throughput and high capacity. To achieve this, a macro cell is split into several small cells. When using Free Space Optics (FSO) some of the small cell base stations (BSs) which are located at the edges of a macro cell may not directly communicate with the base station of that macro cell, resulting in high outage probability (OP) and average bit error rate (ABER). Therefore, there is a need to develop a new system model to improve the OP and ABER performance. For such scenarios, triple-hop (TH) hybrid free space optics/millimeter wave (FSO/mmW) system has been proposed by considering neighboring small cell BSs as intermediate relays to forward the backhaul data. The OP and ABER of the proposed TH hybrid FSO/mmW system are derived for various channel conditions and are further verified by performing Monte-Carlo simulations. In this work, FSO link is modeled by Gamma-Gamma distribution over weak and strong turbulence channel conditions. Further the mmW link is modeled by using Nakagami-m distribution which perfectly models various fading scenarios

    Performance Analysis of Different Applications of Image Inpainting Based on Exemplar Technique

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    In this age of rapidly developing image processing, inpainting has been a popular and practical art. Researchers have paid considerable attention to image inpainting throughout the years due to its enormous significance and effectiveness in a wide range of image processing applications, including the removal of scratches, the elimination of objects, and the modification of faces. It is one of the most challenging issues in image processing, demanding a comprehensive understanding of the image's texture and structure. The quality of inpainted image is a crucial factor which determines how close the inpainted image is to the original image. Many improvements have been implemented in the exemplar-based approach to increase the quality of inpainted regions containing structure and texture information. There are numerous ways to assess the quality of an inpainted image. In this study, the applications of exemplar based inpainting are evaluated using standard analytical measures including Sum of Absolute Difference (SAD), Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), Correlation Coefficient, and Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM)

    A novel DeepCNN model for denoising analysis of MRI brain tumour images

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